
August 27, 2024

The Moscow government and the city of Cebu signed a Program of Cooperation for 2024-2027

On August 27, 2024, during the International Municipal BRICS Forum Hon. Sergey Cheremin, Minister of the Moscow City Government, Head of the Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations, and Hon. Jocelyn Pesquera, Cebu City Councilor signed the Program of Cooperation between the Government of Moscow and the City of Cebu for the period 2024-2027.

August 26, 2024

Meeting between INTRUD and the first secretary Mr Salman of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

A delegation from INTRUD met the first secretary Mr Salman of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. INTRUD discussed an interest in bringing in unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled workers from Pakistan to the Russian Federation. This was met with positive support from the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. INTRUD looks forward to making further constructive steps with the Pakistani government.


August 7, 2024

Meeting between INTRUD and Irene Kemboi Maswan (Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Kenya in the Russian Federation)

The Embassy of the Republic of Kenya and Irene Kemboi Maswan warmly welcomed the Delegation of INTRUD.

During the meeting they discussed the possibilities of co-operation with the Republic of Kenya and came to a clear understanding that the Republic of Kenya will support our efforts to attract Kenyan workers to the Russian Federation.


August 2, 2024

Meeting between Intrud JSC and Ambassador Extraordinary and the Plenipotentiary of South Africa to the Russian Federation - Mzuvukile Geoff Maketuka

In the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Moscow there was a meeting between the delegation of INTRUD, representatives of the South African Embassy staff and the Ambassador Mzuvukile Jeff Maketuka. The meeting was devoted to the discussion of strategies of co-operation and mutual assistance on the issues of employment of South African workers in the Russian Federation. The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa expressed its readiness to assist in long-term fruitful co-operation and support in achieving the goal of attracting skilled workers from the Republic of South Africa to the Russian Federation.


July 19, 2024

Signing of a co-operation agreement between Intrud JSC and the Head of the Lyubertsy Urban District of the Moscow Region

"The economy of our country continues to develop actively, despite Western sanctions. In this regard, the need for human resources is increasing.”

We understand the importance of the task of recruiting specialists, so today we signed a co-operation agreement with Intrud JSC.

â–ȘINTRUD implements special international projects on search, selection and HR-support of qualified personnel. Lyubertsy enterprises have a need for personnel, especially when it comes to working specialities, such as seamstresses, welders and others.

I would like to thank Irina Alekseevna, General Director, and the whole team of the company for the important and necessary work! I am sure that our interaction will be as effective and useful for the economy of Lyubertsy as possible"

Official Telegram-channel of the Head of the Lyubertsy Urban District, Moscow Region, 19.07.24

Volkov Vladimir Mikhailovich


July 5, 2024

Business-mission to Sri Lanka: human resources potential for labor migration to the Russian Federation.

Opportunities for labor migration from Sri Lanka to the Russian Federation are expanding.
From July 1-4, 2024, the members of the delegation representing the Intrud Joint Stock Company held a series of meetings and presentations in Colombo with the support and assistance of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Sri Lanka, the participation of the Russian Embassy in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, the Ministry of Labor of Sri Lanka and relevant departments, testing centers, business representatives, presenting options for attracting Sri Lankan workers on the Russian labor market. Meetings were held with Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Sri Lanka & Maldives, Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment, Private Secretary to the Hon.Minister, Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Agency (PVT) Ltd., Secretary of Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Director General (Special Projects) in Presidential Secretariat, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation/ Director of the Russian House in Colombo, Chamber of Construction Industry of Sri Lanka, The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Summit Lanka (PVT) Ltd., Maxims Overseas Holdings(Pvt) Limited, CST Resources (Pvt) Ltd, Sisara (Pvt) Ltd, etc.

The company is acting in line with federal objectives to reduce the labor shortage, which the President of the Russian Federation estimates at 2.5 million people. According to the latest data, in 2023, the Russian labor market was in need of 1.8 million construction specialists, 400 thousand workers for the textile industry and 300 thousand specialists in agriculture.
For Sri Lankan employees, an organized set is offered with a comprehensive package of services, including work skills testing, Russian language training and testing, medical care, life insurance, as well as linguistic, legal, communication and organizational support in government agencies.
Russian language proficiency test will be conducted within the framework of an educational joint project of JSC Intrud and the Russian Cultural Center in the Russian House in Colombo.

Intrud Joint Stock Company aims to select, train and hire about 1,000 Sri Lankan specialists in Russia in 2024, with a further increase in the quota to several thousand by 2025. As a matter of priority, Sri Lankan specialists will be involved in textile, food production, FMCG as well as in the agro-industrial complex of the southern regions of Russia.

We are convinced that this project will contribute to strengthening bilateral relations between our countries and will have a positive impact on the development of economic cooperation, meeting the interests of both the Russian Federation and Sri Lanka. Overall, the trip was extremely useful, as it allowed us to establish important contacts, identify key areas of cooperation and lay the foundation for further development of joint projects.


July 5, 2024

Business-breakfast INTRUD and Gazpromneft's PROFESSIONALS 4.0

On 5 July 2024, INTRUD and Gazpromneft's PROFESSIONALS 4.0 division organised a business breakfast in Moscow dedicated to the latest issues in attracting personnel from visa countries to Russia.

The event gathered representatives of leading Russian companies: Sibur, Samolet Development, PIK, OZON, Cherkizovo and others.

The main topics of discussion included:

1 Obtaining quotas for hiring foreign employees: Participants noted that the process of obtaining quotas remains complex and labour-intensive. Suggestions and recommendations for simplifying the procedure were collected, including ideas for shortening the timeframe for processing applications.
2 Passing the Russian language and Russian history exam: One of the main barriers for foreign employees is passing the Russian language exam. Ways to optimise the preparation and passing of the exam were discussed, as well as the possibility of creating specialised language courses for foreign employees.
3 Staff adaptation. The participants shared successful practices of adaptation of foreign employees, emphasising the importance of cultural integration and professional support.
Outcomes of the event: Participants expressed confidence in the need for further dialogue between business and government agencies to create more favourable conditions for labour migration and to hold similar meetings on a regular basis


June 5, 2024


On the 5th of June at SPIEF-2024, Irina Baranova, General Director of Intrud, at the invitation of the Moscow City Government, spoke on the topic "Human Resources Shortage in Russia" in the panel discussion "DYNAMICS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA AND INDIA: KEY TO SUSTAINABLE GROWTH". Using India as an example, Irina spoke about the specifics of organised recruitment of foreign labour force (FLF) from India to Russia for AGC, industry and construction.
Irina Baranova also took part in a panel discussion at Gazprom Neft, which was dedicated to the discussion "Utilising the HR potential of BRICS countries for the development of the Russian economy". The discussion was attended by representatives of business and government, represented by Dmitry Platygin - Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. There was an active discussion of complex issues such as the long timeframes and complexity of quotas, as well as preparation for the mandatory Russian language exam. It was discussed that the acute shortage of labour force in Russia can be compensated by labour migrants from visa countries and for this purpose it is possible to use the Private Employment Agency, which brings and controls the legitimisation of foreign citizens from non-CIS countries within the framework of organised recruitment.


April 24, 2024

Pacific Chamber of Commerce in Russia held its annual HR conference

The themeof the conference was ‘Adapting HR to a Changing World’. After a welcomeaddress from Barry Sheridan, a member of AmCham's Board of Directors, panelsessions were held on legal and administrative aspects of labour regulation,innovation and strategy.

ElenaVelyaeva, Intrud's Operations Director, gave an up-to-date overview of ‘Staffshortages and attraction of foreign labour from non-CIS countries’.


April 10, 2024

Opportunities for labour migration from Myanmar to Russia are expanding

A Russianparticipant in the bilateral intergovernmental commission, Intrud JSC, heldroadshows in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw, presenting options for attracting Myanmarblue-collar workers to the Russian labour market.


The companyis acting in line with federal objectives to reduce the labour shortage, whichis estimated at 2.5 million people. Package solutions with medical care, lifeinsurance, linguistic, legal and organisational support with the authoritiesare offered to Myanmar workers.


In ouropinion, specialists from Myanmar could be recruited as a priority for textileenterprises and agriculture in the southern regions of Russia.


April 4, 2024

INTRUD has become a member of the Association of Private Employment Agencies. A unanimous decision to this effect was made by the general meeting of the PEAA on 4 April 2024

March 14, 2024

Signing of an agreement with the All-Russian Center for National Construction Policy at the 7th Far Eastern Construction Forum

On March 14 JSC “Intrud” took part in the Far Eastern Construction Forum. An agreement on cooperation in the field of international cooperation and personnel policy was signed with the All-Russian Center for National Construction Policy. Managing Director Dmitry Lapshinov made a presentation on possible ways to solve the personnel shortage in the Construction industry.


February 23, 2024

Cooperation agreement with an Indian recruitment agency was concluded in the Indian Consulate in St. Petersburg

On February 23rd a Memorandum of Understanding on labor exchange was signed between the Intrud JSC and Kaliber (India) at the Indian Consulate in St. Petersburg.


February 22, 2024

Agreement with India on the organization of labor migration at the Labor Forum

On February 22, during the VIII St. Petersburg International Labor Forum, an agreement on labor migration was concluded with the most populous country on the planet. A Memorandum of Understanding on labor exchange was signed between the JSC “Intrud” and “Magic Billion” (Division of TGM Services Pvt Ltd).

January 27, 2024

An agreement with Myanmar was signed at the Russia-Myanmar Forum

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between JSC Intrud and ARA Academy (Myanmar) at the II Russian-Myanmar Business Forum.